cvr. 40022953
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thanks to johan
© 2023

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Plan of a large apartment for long time dwelling


There is an urgent need to investigate and rethink the way affordable housing is thought and conceived. As the need for affordable housing in urban areas explode, we see an increased building mass that is more dull and uniform than ever. This examinatory project is a radical propsal for creating a new building principal for social housing. It focuses on maintaining an economical austerity and at the same time creating diverse and qualitative living spaces for homes.

Affordable housing should not be synonymous to buildings of poor quality. Today it is often seen, that the mass of affordable housing is sketched, thought and conceived, with a levelled amount of detailing throughout the whole building. This results in buildings with a dull appearance and with buildings robbed of their ability to shape homes.

With the most commonly used building components as a starting point, this project strives to seek and find a new hierarchy between the building components, and discuss how one can create the most concentrated and dynamic spatial qualities out of the material that is economically available. Through a redistribution and shifting of the palet of contemporary building components, each aspect of the normal house is analysed and understood in a new way. The notion of home and spatial diversity is shaped by a plan concept partially congested and partially left as a void.

The otherwise evenly distributed palet of material is congested into something that both creates spatial diversity, and helps divide the home into different spaces where the borders have a spatial depth. Thus, the normal shapes the unique. This is an architectural investigation of the method for drawing apartments, and it is an argument towards building houses that are able to evolve over time and along with different tenants. It results in a way of thinking apartments from the inside-out, creating a unique vocabulary of spacial qualities malleable, contemporary and ready to be altered.

In collaboration with Aske Beha Busch.